Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers Grilled Vegetables Mediterranean

Grilled eggplant & vegetables, whole grain rice & barley, and olive oil, with a mild tomato sauce. No preservatives. Mediterranean inspired. Duotray steamcooker. 40 g whole grain. 6 g protein. 220 calories. Mediterranean-inspired meals steamed fresh! Inspired by the sunny flavors and overall healthiness of Mediterranean cuisine - Mediterranean Inspired Cafe Steamers: made with wholesome ingredients like whole grains, extra virgin olive oil and garden ripe vegetables. 25% of daily grains. 40% of daily vegetables. USDA Daily Recommended Amounts: 6 oz equivalent grains. One Serving Contains: 1-1/2 oz (25%). USDA Daily Recommended Amounts: 2-1/2 cups vegetables. One Serving Contains: 1 cup (40%). Weight Watchers Points = 4 (Weight Watchers and Points are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. The number of Points provided here was calculated by ConAgra Foods based on published Weight Watchers International, Inc information and does not imply sponsorship or endorsement of such number of Points or of Healthy Choice products by Weight Watchers International, Inc). Diet Exchanges (Diet Exchanges are based on Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes, copyright 2008 by the American Diabetes Assoc., Inc. and the American Dietetic Assoc) Per Serving: 2 starch; 2 vegetable.